Job description

Prior to placing an advertisement it is important to take the time to describe what you are looking for. The job profile provides candidates with a better overview of the tasks to be performed and whether they meet the profile.

Job description -

The job description describes the task to be performed, the responsibilities and objectives. It should match the ideal candidate for the job. 

The job description helps the candidates. Writing a deliberately vague advertisement in order to attract the widest possible range of candidates is primarily a waste of time; candidates wo do not meet your requirements will apply, and the perfect candidate might not because he or she is not triggered by your advertisement. 

Tips to write a good job description  

Job profile 

  • Department/division and name of the position 
  • Salary 
  • The job to be performed 
  • The objectives 
  • Specific responsibilities 
  • Daily responsibilities 
  • Immediate superior 
  • A typical working day 
  • Examples of recurring and non-recurring duties that arise from the regular responsibilities 

Candidate profile 

  • The professional qualities that you would like to see in the ideal candidate 
  • Think in terms of technique, organisation, communication or creativity 
  • Apply each of these competencies to the matching duties 
Qualifications/experience required 
  • What level of education or specific kind of education are you looking for? 
  • What kind of experience are you looking for?
  • Is the candidate required to have held similar positions in the past? 
  • What length of experience is required and in what sectors? 
Personal character and qualities 
  • What kind of personality would best fit within your team? 
  • Specify a range of words that best describe the nature of the ideal candidate 
  • Think of the particulars that would help him or her to effectively perform the duties that come with the job 
  • Characteristics of someone who is valued in this sector 

Be precise when writing a job description 

Think carefully about your job description and about the nature of the job itself. By ensuring that your needs are properly specified, the candidates will know exactly whether or not they meet your expectations. A job or profile description is by definition a document for communication between you and your organisation, HR and the potential candidate.

Now you've written the job description, you might want some tips about interviewing candidates for you vacancy. 


Register your job offer and we will contact you.

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